Customer Service

Bad Customer Service? Choose a New Merchant Service Provider

Everyone has experienced awful customer service at one point in their lives. If you’re tired of dealing with a merchant service provider that constantly leaves you waiting on hold, navigating endless phone trees, and failing to call you back, you may want to consider switching to a more reliable merchant service provider such as Cornerstone. […]

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Should I Offer Mobile Payment at My Retail Business?

Should I Offer Mobile Payment at My Retail Business?

Whether you have been in retail for a long time or you are just starting out, you have probably considered offering mobile payment at your business. Mobile payment is the latest in payment processing technology and it is currently the most secure way to pay on the market. In 2014, Apple Pay introduced the first

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5 Tips to Decrease Your Retail Business's Credit Card Processing Fees

5 Tips to Decrease Your Retail Business’s Credit Card Processing Fees

Unless you are a very high-end retailer, your profit margins are likely low. This makes cutting costs and saving money is an ongoing concern for your business. If you want to decrease credit card processing fees, take a look at these 5 tips! We hope you can find something that works for you. Before you

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5 Ways to Lower Your Startup's Credit Card Processing Fees

5 Ways to Lower Your Startup’s Credit Card Processing Fees

When you’re strapped for cash in the startup phase of your business, you look for cost-cutting opportunities wherever you can. Credit card processing fees are a great place to start! Check out these 5 tips for lowering your rates. Note: Industry terms ahead! This article assumes basic knowledge of credit card processing fees and how

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How to Pick the Right Merchant Services Provider for Your Startup

How to Pick the Right Merchant Services Provider for Your Startup

Merchant services is a big industry with lots of options to choose from. You want to get your startup off the ground and processing credit cards on the right foot! Here is our quick guide to finding the right merchant services provider for a business at its beginnings. 1. Research Their Customer Support Services –

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When It Comes to Merchant Services, "Buy Local"

When It Comes To Merchant Services, “Buy Local”

“Going with what seems to be the lowest price quote you can find might end up producing the lowest value, too.” – Merchant Maverick Merchant Maverick wrote an article on the Top 5 Most Common Complaints Against Merchant Service Providers, talking about everything from bad customer service to outlandish leasing agreements. As a local, Anchorage-based

When It Comes To Merchant Services, “Buy Local” Read More »

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